This is So Peaceful…

is what I repeated, over and over again, as Jen and I cuddled up in our silky double sleeping bag in our tent.

TentI choose this tent as one of my birthday gifts for my 24th birthday (which I celebrated on July 28th, yay!) and it’s so roomy. Jen ordered us an air mattress, and a sleeping bag each (royal blue with gold inside, swoon) this month and when they arrived, we set up our baby and pumped up the air mattress and zipped the sleeping bags together.

Up went our little lantern lights.

Out came the cooler.

Opened were our journals.

I worked on my watercolors, Jen read her book, I wrote in my grimoire, we both wrote in our personal journals; we talked of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic (a passion of ours), and how peaceful the night was. I lit Vampire Blood incense. We slept a little, woke up, ate a small snack and relaxed while the sprinklers came on, making a pitter-patter against the tent walls. So peaceful.

I’ve never…

been one for WordPress, and I feel so, so horrible for saying that here on a WordPress blog! However, I thought I would go ahead and write up a little “hello!” post, should someone land on this blog.


My name is Angie, I am 24 and I live under the cotton candy Western sky in Utah with my gorgeous best friend, wife and soul mate Jen! Together we have two kitties named Wedge and Mau, three birds named Jango, Leia and Bastila and one betta fish, Finn! They’re our babies. ♥

I am a gamer, geek, artist, blogger and Witch. I have a passion for fashion, make-up, shopping, nature (especially camping, hiking and biking), everything New Age, health and wellness, vampirism, role-play, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, mythology, science, history, arts and crafts and… so much more.

My lifestyle blog, Lariats and Lavender, has been around since ’11 and I re-started officially and for the last time on January 1st, 2012. You can find that blog here.

I follow a few amazing ladies who are WordPress bloggers, so every so often, I comment using my WordPress account. I’m not 100% sure if that does indeed link back here, however, I thought I would post something for those interested. So, that’s me! ~Angie